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小米泰国公司 2020-3-18 01:49 139人围观 企业招聘

招聘岗位:零售销售经理2人 工作地点:柬埔寨金边基地1 工作描述: 1、开发市场业务,制定有效的促销计划,实现销售目标。 2、与主要渠道建立信任关系,如省级经销商 / 批发商 / 零售商 / 经营商 3、全面了解主要客户的需求和需求,关注智能手机和生态系统产品。 4、通过不断提出符合客户目标的解决方案来扩大与现有客户的关系。 5、协助制定公司的整体市场战略(价格、产品定位、促销和渠道战略)。 6、使用大客户计量表,定期向内部和外部利益攸关方提供进展和预测报告 7、跟踪和分析省经销商 / 批发商 / 零售商 / 经营商的销售数据 8、有效开展市场调研、需求收集、产业发展预见,与产品和总部团队紧密合作,提高产品优化水平。 工作要求: 1、 英语流利,市场营销相关专业,本科以上学历。 2、有智能手机领域(或高科技硬件行业)工作经验者优先 3、3-5年相关工作经验者优先。 4、消费电子和智能手机行业的广泛联系。 5、良好的沟通能力和人际交往能力。 6、出色的组织能力。 充满激情,有很强的团队合作意识。 7、经常国内出差 8、我的粉丝优先,掌握柬埔寨语 / 英语 / 中文3种语言者优先。 Retail Sales Manager 2 persons: Base Phnom Penh, Cambodia 1.       Developing the market business, set up effective promotional plan, and achieve sales target 2.       Developing trust relationships with a portfolio of major channels, such as Province distributor/ wholesalers/retailers/operators 3.       Acquiring a thorough understanding of key customer needs and requirements, focus smartphones and ecosystem products 4.       Expanding the relationships with existing customers by continuously proposing solutions that meet their targets 5.       Assist in formulating the overall go-to-market strategy (price, product positioning, promotion and channel strategy) of the company. 6.       Prepare regular reports of progress and forecasts to internal and external stakeholders using key account metrics 7.       Follow up and analysis of the sell through/sellout data of province distributor/wholesalers/retailers/operators 8.       Effectively carry out market research, demand collection, industry development foresight and work closely with product and HQ team to improve product optimization.   Job requirements: 1.       Fluent English, marketing related major, bachelor degree or above; 2.       Working in smartphone domain (or high-tech hardware industry) is preferred, 3-5 years of working experience in the similar position is preferred; 4.       Extensive connections in consumer electronics and smartphone industry; 5.       Strong communication and interpersonal skills 6.       Excellent organizational skills 7.       Passionate, strong sense of teamwork, 8.       Frequent Domestic business trip, 9. Mi fans are preferred, mastering Cambodian/English/Chinese 3 languages is preferred.





原作者: 小米泰国公司